This term is often used by many without understanding the real meaning
of it. Open any website and I am sure
50% of them might have used this term in their “About us” or somewhere in their
Vision-Mission-value statement. defines organizational agility
as: “The capability of a company to
rapidly change or adapt in response to changes in the market.”
Product and services life cycles have become short, digital
disruptions is heavily affecting businesses and paradigm shift comes much faster
than ever before for many businesses.
All above factors keep creating many familiar and unfamiliar challenges
for the business leaders / owners. It has become mandatory for them to quickly
respond to these changes if they want to survive in their business.
For many business owners, regression has always been the most preferred
tool to establish relationship between the strategy and variables. It used to
work successfully during organic growth phase of their business however today; market
dynamics and flow of technological changes have become too frequent creating many
unfamiliar challenges.
When time and technologies changes rapidly, business leaders / owners will
press panic button to quickly gain capabilities and respond to the challenges. Though
it’s a wishful thinking; achieving capabilities in short span will not be
practically possible. Most of the business leader / owners do not know how to cope
with the situation. Sometimes they abruptly empower wrong people to act which can
drastically slow down the process of achieving business objectives. The artifact will be on the entire work force
in terms of uncertainty about their career road map and company future. It may
create confusion for the key employees on their part they are expected to play.
The final winners of the future will be the companies and their leaders
who know how to respond to the changing business environment. I always say that
“Think-Learn-Move and Win" theory will work however you need to equip
yourself with new skills and have a mind set for learning new things. The right
leaders can ignite the passion in dormant teams and get the best outcome.
Bhartesh Sagar
April 2,