Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Do I contribute values?

In India, traditionally almost all mid-sized companies with their employee strength between 100 to 350 are run by business owners / partners in conventional manner of command and control so they are internally more focused on cost to the company, bottom line revenue figures, productivity per resource, and processes that keeps their of command and control systems alive. They generally do not appreciate improvements in customer experience achieved through consistent efforts by an employee which sometimes d-motivate the high performers.

Fact is that result oriented employees, who have consistently proved themselves with their positive – high value contribution for years are the genuine assets for the company.

According to Jim Clifton – Chairman and CEO of Gallup Inc., “Great managers build development plans around every employee’s strengths. When employees work from strengths, nothing motivates them to achieve more — not money, not love, not vacations, not good benefits, not company volleyball games, not motivational speakers. And employees working from their strengths do win new customers.

Every qualified employee is looking at a job wherein he/she can make use of their knowledge and talents. For example; engineers gets much more job satisfaction especially when they go about fixing things by themselves, receiving customer feedback, make necessary changes and learn from it. 

Sensitive phase is when all time performer has gone down (little down) on his performance simply due to market and business volatility. 

Matured manager will have to such individuals and try channelizing their energy into right direction by enabling them with additional support, getting them the real time relevant data and allow them to experiment. They will mostly open up new windows, may be with some potential challenges but then they are the growth opportunities that can scale up the company / business. 

This can create very positive work environment in the company and resignation ratio will surely get reduced. Create some new policies for rewarding such bold, well-apprehended attempts for those who have tried to break through the conventional limitations.

  1. Enable performers with the higher opportunities and provide more resources to optimize their talents for outstanding creative solutions
  2. Remember and be patient with problem solvers since that they are the closest to the problem.

This will mostly depend on the intelligence level and maturity level of a senior manager. Command and control kind of management can have adverse effects which ultimately will result into increase in resignations.

One question that every senior manager should ask himself, “Do I contribute values to the company worth what I am being paid?”

Bhartesh Sagar
January 28, 2014

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